Hydro Jetting
In order to meet the demands of the client for internal high-pressure tube cleaning, OZEST has invested in specialized equipment. With the use of advanced bundle cleaning equipment and accessories OZEST can supply faster and safer hydro jetting services to the refining and petrochemical industries. OZEST provides hydro jetting services since 1999 with pumps capable of producing pressures of 15,000 up to 20,000 psi, which is widely accepted by the industry as a safe and economical means of cleaning. All OZEST personnel are well trained and experienced and fully equipped with the necessary PPE to carry out the required hydro jetting services. PSC/OZEST Heat Exchanger Services Includes:

a) Mechanical Work (blinding/de-blinding and opening/ the lance bed and pitch is not covered, it is very clear to see for the operator if his lances are in the right position. The chains, which drive the lances are located in a tray with a Teflon liner to avoid damage to the metal and the chain is being tensioned by a tandem construction, avoids the chain from slapping against the metal. The length of the lances which moves into the tubes can be set by using sensors, to prevent lances from closing heat exchangers).
b) Pulling and inserting tube bundles by means of hydraulic powered Bundle Puller.
c) Hydro jetting tubes, internally & externally.
d) Pressure testing. All work is performed in compliance with strict safety rules & regulations.

IBC 5 Inside Bundle Cleaner:
In order to meet the increasing demands of internal tube cleaning tube cleaning, OZEST has invested in specially designed Inside Bundle Cleaners. The IBC 5 is one of the fastest cleaning machines in the world today and has been designed to clean a large number of bundles on the cleaning slab, during shutdowns. The IBC 5 can be fully operated from inside the cabin by 1 operator, in a very simple but efficient way. From the cabin the operator can control up/down/left/right movement with a simple joystick, the rollers can be turned, the outriggers can be operated and the lance bed can be moved forward and backward ±60 cm. The lance bed, 10-meter-long T-bars give a perfect guide for the lances and at the same time avoid dirt from remaining in the lance bed.
Manual adjustment of the pitch by the means of tightening nuts keeps the pitch fixed at all times and because damaging and entering too far. Especially in cases with hairpin bundles (U-tubes), this can be very effective. At the same time, the hydraulic power to move the lances forward can be adjusted, prevent the lances from breaking in case of a blockage. In case there is a problem with the hose or lance, they can be replaced in a matter of minutes.
The IBC 5 is equipped with 2 emergency stops and with the lances the tubes all other hydraulic controls are
blocked. (Except for forwarding/backward movement). The cabin will look itself at any height in case of a failure during lifting/lowering. The IBC 5 is in compliance with the latest EC regulations.
Due to the weight of the machine and its speed of the lances, and bundles are cleaned fast therefore cost-effective. All controls are located inside the cabin, next to the operator, to create an obstructed view and a comfortable working position.

Outside Bundle Cleaner
OZEST utilizes a specially designed Outside Bundle Cleaner to clean tube bundles in a safe and cost effective way.
The tube bundle is placed on two hydraulic driven heavy duty rollers which can be controlled from the cabin of the operator. The bundles are being cleaned by means of a horizontal driven nozzle bar, which can also move vertically and towards the bundle to get the best cleaning results. The right combination of water pressure (up to 15,000 psi) and flow, removes scaling such as coke, polymers, etc. without the use of any additional cleaning agents. The Outside Bundle Puller has a horizontal stroke of 9.50 M and the maximum height is 1.95 M. The speed is adjustable from the cabin where the operator can sit comfortably and safely without being exposed to the dirt.

Because the operator can only operate the unit from inside the cabin, he will have protected from dirt or high pressure water. An emergency shut off valve is also fitted in the cabin. The Outside Bundle Cleaner is in compliance with the latest EC regulations.
Because of the variable speed control and the possibility to control all movements from cabin, the Outside Bundle Cleaner is a simple and effective machine, which will prove to be very cost effective.
Hydro jetting Equipment:
Automated Cleaning: OZEST utilizes high flow hydro jetting pumps. These units can produce pressures of up to 15,000-20,000 psi at a flow of 40-200 lpm. The diesel driven unit is skid mounted for easy transportation/mobilization. All hydro jetting pumps are equipped with all necessary accessories and safety devices in order to safely execute the required jobs.
In order to meet the demands of the Client for internal high-pressure tube cleaning, OZEST has invested in specialized equipment. With the use of advanced bundle cleaning equipment and accessories OZEST can supply faster and safer hydro jetting services to the Refining and Petrochemical Industries.
OZEST provides hydro jetting services since 1999 with pumps capable of producing pressures of 15,000 up to 20,000 psi, which is widely accepted by the industry as a safe and economical means of cleaning.
All OZEST personnel are well trained and experienced and fully equipped with the necessary PPE to carry out the required hydro jetting services.
PSC/OZEST Heat Exchanger Services Includes:
- Mechanical Work (blinding / de-blinding and opening/ closing heat exchangers)
- Pulling and inserting tube bundles by means of hydraulic powered Bundle Puller.
- Hydrojetting tubes, internally & externally
- Pressure testing
All work is performed in compliance with strict safety rules and regulations.
IBC 5 Inside Bundle Cleaner
In order to meet the increasing demands of internal tube cleaning, OZEST has invested in specially designed Inside Bundle Cleaners. The IBC 5 is one of the fastest cleaning machines in the world today and has been designed to clean a large number of bundles on the cleaning slab, during shutdowns. The IBC 5 can be fully operated from inside the cabin by 1 operator, in a very simple but efficient way. From the cabin the operator can control up/down/left/right movement with a simple joystick, the rollers can be turned, the outriggers can be operated and the lance bed can be moved forward and backward ± 60 cm. The lance-bed, 10-meter-long T-bars give a perfect guide for the lances and at the same time avoid dirt from remaining in the lance-bed.
Manual adjustment of the pitch by means of tightening nuts keeps the pitch fixed at all times and because the lance-bed and pitch is not covered, it is very clear to see for the operator if his lances are in the right position.
The chains, which drive the lances, are located in a tray with a Teflon liner to avoid damage to the metal and the chain is being tensioned by a tandem construction, which avoids the chain from slapping against the metal.
The length of the lances which moves into the tubes can be set by using sensors, to prevent lances from damaging and entering too far. Especially in cases with hairpin bundles (U-tubes), this can be very effective. At the same time, the hydraulic power to move the lances forward can be adjusted, prevent the lances from breaking in case of a blockage. In case there is a problem with the hose or lance, they can be replaced in a matter of minutes.
The IBC 5 is equipped with 2 emergency stops and with the lances inside the tubes all other hydraulic controls are blocked. (except for forwarding/backward movement). The cabin will lock itself at any height in case of a failure during lifting/lowering. The IBC 5 is in compliance with the latest EC regulations.
Due to the weight of the machine and its speed of the lances, and power bundles are cleaned fast and therefore cost-effective. All controls are located inside the cabin, next to the operator, to create an unobstructed view and a comfortable working position.
Outside Bundle Cleaner
OZEST utilizes a specially designed Outside Bundle Cleaner to clean tube bundles in a safe and fast and cost-effective way.
The tube bundle is placed on two hydraulic driven heavy duty rollers which can be controlled from the cabin of the operator. The bundles are being cleaned by means of a horizontal driven nozzle bar, which can also move vertically and towards the bundle to get the best cleaning results. The right combination of water pressure (up to 15,000 psi) and flow, removes scaling, such as coke, polymers, etc. without the use of any additional cleaning agents. The Outside Bundle Cleaner has a horizontal stroke of 9.50 meters and the maximum height is 1.95 meters. The speed is adjustable from the cabin where the operator can sit comfortably and safely without being exposed to the dirt.
Because the operator can only operate the unit from inside the cabin, he is well protected from any dirt or high-pressure water. An emergency shut off valve is also fitted in the cabin. The Outside Bundle Cleaner is in compliance with the latest EC regulations.
Because of the variable speed control and the possibility to control all movements from the cabin, the Outside Bundle Cleaner is a simple and effective machine, which will prove to be very cost effective.
Hydrojetting Equipment
a. Automated Cleaning
In combination with both the Internal Bundle Cleaner (IBC 5) and the Outside Bundle Cleaner, OZEST utilizes high flow hydro jetting pumps. These units can produce pressures of up to 15,000 psi at a flow of 200 1 pm. The diesel driven unit is skid mounted for easy transportation/mobilization.
b. Manual Cleaning
For manual cleaning of vessels, towers, fin fan tubes, heat exchanger shell, covers, etc. or in case internal hydro jetting of heat exchanger tubes is required in-situ, OZEST provide hydro jetting pumps with a working pressure of up to 20,000 psi at a flow of 40 lpm.
All hydro jetting pumps are equipped with all necessary accessories and safety devices in order to safely execute the required jobs.